临睡幻觉 Hypnagogia

Skills: 展览 Exhibition



June resident artists’
Residency works open day
Date: June 23rd (Sunday) 16:00, 2024
Resident Artists

June Monstera

Robin van Hekezen

Yasmine Laraqui


 前言 Introduction 

During her stay, June Monstera captured the beauty of Zhujiajiao. Especially old town gave her a lot of inspiration with its traditional small houses and dreamy atmosphere, but she also captured her day-to-day life and what she learned. Going out of these two months full of art and laughter her head is filled with ideas and stories to tell. At ACENTRICSPACE you can come witness the beginning.

在朱家角驻留期间,June Monstera捕捉到了朱家角的美景。尤其是古镇的的老房子和梦幻般的氛围给了她很多灵感,但她也捕捉到了自己的日常生活和所学的东西。在充满艺术和欢笑的两个月里,她的脑海里充满了想法和故事。在ACENTRICSPACE的驻地开放日,您可以见证这一切的开始。

– June Monstera

Through the residency, Robin van Hekezen explored the concept of presence and absence and how the contrast between them is the basis of their existence.

The work shows that for either to have an effect, the other always exists there as well.

通过驻留,Robin van Hekezen探索了存在与缺席的概念,以及它们的对比如何成为它们存在的基础。
– Robin van Hekezen

You would always have the exceptions that would confirm a rule, that’s what’s important. This exception would disturb a supposedly existing determinism. You may have unconsciously created this idea thinking that social constructs and hierarchy are part of how people assimilate into the world.

So you can be enhanced with this thing we created in our lab, and be the first out of that generation of Cyborgs. Our knowledge is based on non-intrusive machines.

Yes. Evolution will always be working like that. You have mutations; species, or mutants that would work that way.

The cruelty of mankind, lies – ridiculously accurate, though. We should fight that.

You cannot stop the music.


– Yasmine Laraqui

 部分参展作品  Selected Works 
June Monstera
(比利时 Belgium)

In the streets of the old town
国画水墨 Traditional Chinese ink


Robin van Hekezen

(荷兰 The Netherlands)
视频装置 Video installation with projection, paper, and nylon wire
尺寸可变 Size variable 
In Translation
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
100 x 100cm

Yasmine Laraqui

摩洛哥 Morocco

Pink rings
写作 Printed Text on paper
 21 x 29.7cm x 8