三伏天 Dog Days

Skills: 展览 Exhibition



August resident artists’
Residency works open day
 Dog Days 
Date: August 25th (Sunday) 16:00, 2024
Resident Artists
Kim Youna
Park Youngsun
Raquel Mora
Santiago Martínez Peral
邱烨 Annie Rui Qiu
Park Youngsun 书法行为表演
Park Young Sun’s Calligraph Performance

 部分作品  Selected Works 

Kim Youna

Kim Youna’s work begins with observing relationships between individuals. She pays attention to emotions derived from human gaps and visualizes and records invisible psychological distance in physical form.


Visualizes the emotional space that comes from human relationships and makes them reflect on the meaning of making relationships with others.


Kim Youna的作品始于观察人与人之间的关系。她关注人与人之间差距所产生的情感,并将看不见的心理距离以物理形式可视化和记录下来。将人际关系产生的情感空间可视化,并使其反思与他人建立关系的意义。


情感的浮力 Buoyancy of Emotion 23

颜料打印 Pigment print



情感的浮力 Buoyancy of Emotion 22

颜料打印 Pigment print



孤独是一个人的节日 Loneliness is one person’s festival

宝丽来胶片 Polaroid film



Park Youngsun
水往低处流,变成大海。在这个作品中, 艺术家Park Youngsun思水而寻下心。
Water flows to low places and becomes the sea.  In this work, Park Youngsun thinks about the topic of water (水) and looks for the heart of the 下心.
水如風  (like water, like the wind) 
书法 Ink on Paper
书法 Ink on Paper

Raquel Mora

Both the traditional Chinese costumes that Raquel has documented in museums and the bridges, rivers, and mountains that she has discovered during this residency have given her the opportunity to create figures that are a hybrid between Chinese culture and her own volumetric designs in clay or plasticine. Figures that were not there before and that are revealed in this change of scenery.
标题未定 Title undecided
布面油画Oil on Canvas
130 x 162 cm
草稿 sketches
纸上水彩 Watercolor on paper

Santiago Martínez Peral

喝茶的人们 The tea drinkers (Crop 局部)
布面油画丙烯蜡笔 Oil, acrylic, and pastel on canvas
195 x 162 cm
在吃饭的两个画家 Two painters eating (Crop 局部)
布面油画丙烯蜡笔 Oil, acrylic, and pastel on canvas
195 x 162 cm

邱烨 Annie Rui Qiu

During her time at ACENTRICSPACE, Annie Rui Qiu thought about the idea of home and the phenomenon of a physical home feeling unfamiliar. She pieced together conflicting perspectives and mismatched household objects to form an invented space in the painting House Gecko. The space, though lived-in and filled with figures and familiar household items, doesn’t quite make sense as a physical space and is evocative of the discomfort of sweltering summer heat.
壁虎屋 House Gecko
布面油画 Oil on canvas
146 x 114 cm


星期二到星期日 10:00-17:00



 Opening Hours/Address 

Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 – 17:00

(Closed on public holidays)

No.12 Thumb Plaza, Zhujiajiao, Qingpu, Shanghai

ACENTRICSPACE is an artist-run space and art residency based in Zhujiajiao, Shanghai. As the name ‘Acentric’ suggests, we strive to provide a creative space and exchange platform for contemporary artists without restrictions and boundaries. ACENTRICSPACE is dedicated to showcasing contemporary art exhibitions, and artists in residence, providing workshops for the public, etc. In addition, ACENTRICSPACE encourages collaboration between international artists and local artists in the context of Chinese contemporary society; where multicultural expression sparks fresh perspectives and ideas.


*申请艺术家驻地,请移步官网 Please visit the official website for residency application.

 艺术家驻地 Artist Residency 
ACENTRICSPACE Art Residency encourages young artists to continue their practice upon graduation and practicing artists to be kept inspired. ACENTRICSPACE aims to provide an ideal creative and living environment for all artists. It opens to all contemporary artists throughout the year, during the residency, artists are encouraged to create a new body of work and engage in conversation with artists from China and around the world.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: ACENTRICSPACE