明智的活法 How To Live Wisely 卢智媛 Jiwon Roh

Skills: 展览 Exhibition



June July August resident artist
Jiwon Roh
Residency works open day
 How To Live Wisely 
Date: September 1st (Sunday) 16:00, 2024

前言 Introduction

人各有不同,但每个人心中都有愤怒的存在。在现代社会,愤怒不仅以暴力形式表现,还在网络平台上广泛可见。然而,大多数人不知道愤怒的方向或如何化解,因此在情感的模糊性中徘徊。刺激性的视频内容在我们的私人空间里很容易被消费,尽管对这种消费方式的批评声很大,但人们对刺激性内容的狂热却通过高点击量得到了证明。人们对这些内容产生的‘罪恶快感(Guilty Pleasure)’似乎是在无意识中被情感所激发。高点击量证明了这些内容作为一种罪恶快感,唤醒了人们潜意识中的愤怒、仇恨和欲望。由于相关案例和人物的增多,愤怒的对象变得不明确,无法分清是自己、特定人物还是社会,从而模糊了界限,失去了方向。通过追踪愤怒的起源,艺术家意识到引发这种情感的对象是“不可具体化的存在”。基于这一认识,艺术家创作了研究如何控制愤怒的《明智的活法》。
该作品的第一部系列《对谁的愤怒》由两个片段组成,哲学教授“毛智恩”与观众一起探讨愤怒的种类并提出解决方法。第二部系列《我的安息之地》是一部脱口秀形式的视频作品,艺术家本人参与其中,围绕“我想掌握战胜自我的方法”这一困惑,与咨询师“玄世仁”以及观众进行探讨。艺术家作为一名TCK(Third Culture Kid : 跨文化儿童),通过在中国和韩国经历的一系列事件,表达了自己感受到的愤怒与幻灭,并由此创作了虚拟微型国家作品《영화국, 永华国, The Republic of Young》。同时,艺术家也分享了作为艺术家如何持续生活的思考。第三部系列《别笑说的就是你》通过匿名投稿者“樱花”与家庭咨询研究所所长“崔未来”的对话,探讨她对配偶产生杀意的经历,并分享了一道特别食谱——在配偶喜欢的食物中加入樱桃核粉末。樱桃核中的苦杏仁苷在体内被酶分解后会生成氰化物。虽然微量的樱桃核对身体无害,但投稿者主张,仅仅是加入的动作就能带来畅快感。第四部系列《Dear God》是通过伪信徒“都美贤”向未能实现她欲望的神表达愤怒的独白作品。

Although each person’s narrative may differ, there is anger residing in a corner of everyone’s heart. In modern society, anger not only manifests in violent forms but is also rampant on online platforms. However, most people are lost in the ambiguity of their emotions, as they don’t know the direction of their anger or how to resolve it. Provocative video content is easily consumed in our personal spaces, and despite the heavy criticism of this consumption pattern, the public’s enthusiasm for such content is evidenced by the high view counts. The ‘guilty pleasure’ triggered by this content seems to stimulate subconscious emotions. High-view counts prove that this guilty pleasure draws out anger, hatred, and desires lurking in people’s subconscious minds. As cases and figures related to anger increase, the object of this emotion becomes unclear, leaving one unsure whether the target is oneself, a particular person, or society, blurring the boundaries and causing a loss of direction. By tracing the origins of anger, the artist realized that the trigger for this emotion lies in ‘indefinable entities.’ This realization led to the creation of <How To Live Wisely>, a work exploring ways to manage anger.

“How To Live Wisely”  is a tutorial series in which characters within a computer simulation explore and address anger management solutions. Through this series, anger is traced, and provocative solutions are presented, actively incorporating elements of TV entertainment shows to blur the boundary between the work and the audience. Utilizing a platform that feels light and familiar, the work transforms socially taboo topics into content as part of its concept. The piece consists of the artist herself composited with a 3D background, allowing her to extend her body into a virtual space that lacks spatial specificity.

The first series, “Anger’s Target”, consists of two episodes in which philosophy professor Mo Ji-eun explores the types of anger with the audience and suggests solutions. The second series, “To Find My Sanctuary”, is a talk show-style video in which the artist herself appears, discussing the concern, “I want to learn how to win the battle against myself,” with counselor Hyun Se-in and the audience. As a TCK (Third Culture Kid), the artist shares her experiences of anger and disillusionment from incidents in China and Korea, which led to the creation of a fictional micro-nation project, <영화국, 永华国, The Republic of Young >, and discusses how to continue living as an artist. The third series, <We All Suffer>, involves a consultation between the anonymous storyteller “Cherry Blossom,” who feels murderous intent toward her spouse, and family counseling center director Choi Mi-rae. They discuss a special recipe that involves adding cherry seed powder to a dish the spouse enjoys. The amygdalin in cherry seeds is broken down by enzymes in the body to produce cyanide. While the amount is too small to be harmful, the act of adding it supposedly brings a sense of satisfaction. The fourth series, <Dear God>, is a monologue by the pseudo-believer Do Mi-hyun, expressing anger toward a god who does not fulfill her desires.

The reason for choosing YouTube and China’s Bilibili among numerous video platforms lies in how AI judges content. YouTube’s policy of placing a yellow dollar icon on videos with provocative content, thereby blocking monetization, made me consider the possibility that the work might need to be deleted due to these issues. However, the artist sees this as part of the work, as it proves that the video successfully addresses the ‘taboo’ topic of anger. The artist believes that the act of watching gladiators and wild beasts battle in an arena in the past is reflected in modern society as viewers watch provocative videos. My ultimate goal through this work is to share my experiences, allowing the audience to reflect on similar experiences or emotions they may have encountered, thereby triggering associative thoughts. By breaking the social vicious cycle of resolving emotions like anger through means such as ‘enduring,’ ‘swallowing,’ and ‘suppressing,’ which stem from the fear of stepping outside the norm, artists aim to present to the audience a form of self-comfort that, even if it’s in a petty way, allows for the release of inner emotions.

 部分作品  Selected Works 
别笑说的就是你 We All Suffer
单通道视频 Single channel video
14分11秒 14min 11s
多吃点吧 Eat Up, Honey
意大利面,小西红柿,蔬菜加树脂 Pasta noodle, cherry tomato, salad with resin
尺寸可变 Dimension variable
樱桃核粉 Cherry Seed Powder
二维码装置 QR installation
Dear God
单通道视频 Single channel video
7分30秒 7min 30s
祭物 Sacrifice
二维码装置 QR installation