Raquel Mora



Raquel Mora


No. 129 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

August Resident Artist, 2024

Raquel Mora


 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(西班牙 Spain


Instagram: @raquel_mora_bajo






I am concerned with the meaning hidden behind the shapes of objects or living beings. I study their physics and biological processes from a plastic point of view and this opens up the possibility of a new world in which the laws of physics become creative.
When we talk about formalism we talk about movement, humidity, weight, speed, sound, we talk about touch, but I think that above all we unveil old mysteries and play at creating new ones.
Because of my studies in Biological Sciences I am inspired by microbiology, which provides me with suggestive designs; but I am also in permanent contact with historical texts and our cultural legacy to understand the most prosaic dimension of the human being, that which shapes us and which we ignore, but which nevertheless decisively influences our social and emotional behaviour.
In the previous series, I explored evolutionary processes from a formal point of view to design fascinating creatures and their ecosystems creating a dialogue between the small and human organisational forms.
However, these last two years I have been working on a series dedicated to the travelers who lent us their eyes and legs, their courage and curiosity. Probably the impulse to know through travel is the clearest link between human beings.
 过往作品  Previous Works 
What do seeds feed of
100×70 cm
Seeds that feed landscapes
Watercolour pencil both
146×114 cm
History of legendary places.
Oil on canvas
Glazed Stoneware 
Glazed stoneware