朱家角 Zhujiajiao nomnomnom

Skills: 工坊 Workshop


Life, Death and “Secret Food Delivery” in Shanghai


Fresh from winning Melbourne Fringe Festival’s 2018 award for Innovation in Culturally Diverse Practice, and sell-out seasons in Sydney, Melbourne, and Iceland, the immersive theatre show “Nomnomnom” debuts in China in partnership with Untitled Space.


Created by Chinese-Australian artist Roshelle Fong, the site-specific, participatory show invites audience members to roleplay as staff on a job trial for a fictional ‘secret food delivery company’ nomnomnom. Guided by star employee Trevor, the audience goes on an emotional rollercoaster ride, walking through the ancient streets of Zhujiajiao, interacting with actors, and making deliveries to local businesses and residential houses. So what’s the secret?


由澳大利亚籍华裔艺术家Roshelle Fong创作,这场因地制宜的,富有参与性的演出,邀请观众们扮演一个虚构的“神秘外卖公司”nomnomnom的实习员工。在明星员工Trevor的带领下,观众们体验一场情感上此起彼伏的旅程,行走在朱家角古镇上的古老街道上,与不同的演员们产生互动,到当地的商铺和住家去送外卖。但这一切的背后又有什么样的秘密呢?


“That’s obvious. You’ll have to come along to find out!” said Roshelle.




Roshelle is a Melbourne-based, multi-disciplinary artist currently undertaking the Women in Theatre program at Melbourne Theatre Company. She was also one of 200 artists invited to attend the Immersive Design Summit in San Francisco earlier this year and she can’t wait to bring her show to life for the 5th time in 10 months.




“Immersive theatre is about stepping into a multi-sensorial experience and being part of a story, not just a fly on the wall.”




“In nomnomnom, I want Shanghai audiences to be fully immersed in the role of ‘secret food delivery officer’ from the moment they put on their visors right through to entering real houses around Zhujiajiao.” 





Supported by the Ian Potter Cultural Trust, Roshelle will be exploring intercultural and bilingual themes in the show, including the use of Google Translate and stream-of-consciousness monologues playing through audience members’ earphones.


在Ian Potter文化基金会的支持下,Roshelle在这次演出中探索了多文化,多语言这两个主题,包括运用了翻译软件,以及通过观众们耳机直播的演员意识独白。


“As audiences watch Trevor (Australian actor Daniel Last) interacting with his slimy boss Brad (He Zheng) and various ‘clients’ in the show (Sharon Zhang, He Xianyun and Maggie Guan) I hope they relish in the joy and absurdity that language barriers and miscommunication can bring.”


“观众们将会看着Trevor(由澳大利亚演员Daniel Last扮演)与他油腻的老板Brad(中国演员郝正扮演)、以及与演出中不同的‘客户’(中国演员何湘云,关之晗,澳大利亚演员Sharon Zhang扮演)之间有趣的互动。我希望观众们能够享受语言障碍或辞不达意,所带来的某种荒唐感以及其中的乐趣。”



“At its heart, this show explores the importance of human connection and how we may have more in common with our neighbors than we thought.”




The show runs on 9-11 August with limited capacity. 

Sign up now to see how far Trevor will go to connect with his clients…



‘If you’re looking for theatre that is completely outside of the box…Nomnomnom will have you both laughing and crying’

– Review, Theatre Travels Sydney



– 来自悉尼旅行剧场的评论


Performance Dates:  9 – 11 August



Times: 5.30pm



Show duration: Approx. 75 minutes in total



Venue: Meet at Usual Diary, Zhujiajiao – 上海市青浦区朱家角西井街漕港滩28号

演出地点:在朱家角古镇发生记集合 – 上海市青浦区朱家角西井街漕港滩28号


Ticket Price:Free


Creative Team

Roshelle Fong – Writer/director/producer 作者/导演/出品人

George Liu Zhen 刘震 – Translator 翻译

Tara O’Con – Experiential consultant 实验顾问

Jess Keeffe, Daniel Last – Sound Design 音效设计

Keziah Warner – Dramaturg 戏剧编剧

Vy Nguyen – Graphic design 平面设计

Cast 演员: Daniel Last, 何湘云, Sharon Zhang, Maggie Guan 关之晗, 郝正