Charlotte Aeb & Zeno Messi



Charlotte Aeb & Zeno Messi

No. 142 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

2025 February Resident Artists Duo

Charlotte Aeb & Zeno Messi

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(瑞士 Switzerland

Instagram:@charlotte_aeb @productions_floues


Charlotte Aeb和Zeno Messi组成了一个将艺术与科学相融合的艺术家组合,对感知和世界的物质性提出质疑。作为一名艺术家和摄影师,Charlotte探索空虚、阈限空间以及现实与想象之间的界限。Zeno是一名生物物理学研究员,在开发用于艺术项目的数字工具的同时,还研究细胞极性和迁移。
他们以Productions Floues的名义重聚,创作了《融化的太阳》,这是一部将摄影和伪纪录片交织在一起,探索想象中的太阳融化的作品。
Charlotte Aeb and Zeno Messi form a duo blending art and science to question perception and the materiality of the world. As an artist and photographer, Charlotte explores emptiness, liminal spaces, and the boundary between reality and imagination. Zeno, a biophysics researcher, studies cell polarity and migration while developing digital tools for artistic projects.
Reuniting under the name Productions Floues, they create Melting Sun, a work where photography and mockumentary intertwine to explore the imaginary melting of the sun.
By physically altering images, subverting photographic techniques such as solarization, and integrating elements of fiction into reality through fake scientific and media documents, Melting Sun questions how images shape our understanding of contemporary crises. This project blurs the boundary between fiction and reality, confronting the viewer with a disorienting vision of our relationship with natural phenomena.

 过往作品  Previous Works 


Derrière l’évidence
这张照片来自Charlotte Aeb上一次的展览《Derrière l’évidence》,这是一次对可见与不可见之间界限的探索。一条醒目的红色通道邀请观众进入未知世界,展现出沐浴在令人不安的光线中的过渡空间。阴影和反射成为谜团,而一件隐藏的艺术品则通过窥视孔显露出来,让人们瞥见难以捉摸的其他地方。一个声音装置低声吟诵着荣格的话,鼓励我们反省自己的影子。这里的光成为通往未知世界的大门,揭示出一个永远无法捉摸的真相。
This photograph is from Charlotte Aeb’s last exhibition, Derrière l’évidence, an exploration of the threshold between the visible and the invisible. A striking red passage invites viewers to step into the unknown, revealing transitional spaces bathed in unsettling light. Shadows and reflections become enigmas, while a hidden artwork is revealed through a peephole, offering a glimpse into an elusive elsewhere. A sound installation whispers Jung’s words, encouraging introspection into our own shadow. Light here becomes a gateway to the unknown, unveiling a truth that forever eludes us.
视频是 VJ 摘录自一次噪音活动,照片则是我系列作品《What We Saw in the Shadow》的一部分。这个项目深入探讨了梦境与现实之间的界限空间,时间在这里延伸,身份在这里消解。梦境就像一道门槛,是一条通道,漂浮在光与影之间。这张照片捕捉到了时间的侵蚀,无论是在夜晚还是在生活中。
The video is a VJing excerpt from a noise event, while the photograph is part of my series What We Saw in the Shadow. This project delves into the liminal space between dream and reality, where time stretches and identity dissolves. Like a threshold, dreams are passages, floating between light and shadow. This image captures the erosion of time, whether in the night or in life itself.
Imperceptible Réalité
这些图片是Imperceptible Réalité的一部分,该项目是与Zeno合作创建的,我们为此获得了一笔资助。该项目捕捉了黄昏时分建筑立面背后隐藏的生活。它使用眼动追踪系统检测观看者正在看哪个窗口并触发相应的声音,让他们沉浸在每个窗口背后展开的亲密场景中。
These images are part of Imperceptible Réalité, a project created in collaboration with Zeno, for which we received a grant. The project captures the hidden life behind facades at dusk. Using an eye-tracking system, it detects which window the viewer is looking at and triggers the corresponding sound, immersing them in the intimate scenes unfolding behind each opening.
Fragilité Bestiale
这个系列作品《Fragilité Bestiale》探索了脆弱与力量之间的张力、身体的模糊性以及人类互动的强度。通过蓝晒法,光线揭示了不可见的东西,捕捉到了优雅在脆弱与野性本能之间摇摆不定的瞬间。起初是一场关于人类脆弱性的摄影,却意外地转变为一种紧张的氛围。这个系列质疑了观察者和被观察者之间的临界点。
This series, Fragilité Bestiale, explores the tension between fragility and strength, the ambiguity of bodies, and the intensity of human interactions. Through cyanotype, light reveals the invisible, capturing the moment where grace teeters between vulnerability and wild instinct. What began as a photoshoot on human fragility unexpectedly shifted into an atmosphere of tension. The series questions the tipping point between the observer and the observed.
Melting Sun