




No. 134 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

September to November Resident Artist, 2024



 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(新西兰 New Zealand

Instagram: @crez1967

CREZ1967 is a multi-disciplinary artist from Aotearoa, New Zealand. CREZ was born and raised in Aotearoa and is a self-taught artist.
He likes to explore his imagination and uses it and experiences in day-to-day life as his primary sources of inspiration.
Rather than making work with deep mumble jumble philosophical meanings, CREZ tries to make work that is fun, playful, interesting, and weird. It’s that simple. A lot of his work tends to be inspired by cartoons and comics. Something that he agrees with and says it is linked to the idea of remaining youthful at heart and mind.
But also has something to do with the feeling he gets when he looks at the world and it seems flat. People are beginning to look more and more the same in how they dress. Buildings look the same, cars are beginning to look the same. Everything is becoming more manufactured and soulless. It feels as though as a society we are slowly being sucked of character and individuality. The things that make each of us unique. So he makes artwork as a reaction and rebellion to this idea. He does not want to see a flat world. He wants to see a weird, colourful world where people can be who they want to be.
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