Daniel B. Dias
Daniel B. Dias
UИTITLEDSPΛCE️ Artist in Residence
2021 July Resident Artists
Daniel B. Dias
关于艺术家 About the Artist
过往作品 Previous Works

发散 Exude
布面油画、丙烯和木炭 Oil, acrylic and charcoal on canvas
84 x 71 in

今生颂 An Ode to This Life
布面油画、丙烯、墨水和帆布 Oil, acrylic, ink and canvas on canvas
63 x 80 in

无心伤害的影响者 The Influencers Mean No Harm
布面油画和丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas
50 x 64 in
这幅画描绘的是进行心理治疗(又或许是前世回归)的一种场景。 我在巴西的时候,对“身份认同”和“是什么造就了我们”这两个议题非常感兴趣。巴西的精神文化提出了“多重前世”和“轮回”的可能性,据说这两点在我们日常生活中的关系和选择中起着重要的作用。
In “ The Influencers Mean No Harm” a therapy session or perhaps a past life regression is taking place. My interest in identity and in understanding what makes us who we are started before my experiences in the USA and China. Brazilian Spiritism poses the possibility of reincarnation and multiple past lives, which supposedly plays a significant role in our relationships and choices in daily life.
The painting takes on 2 points of view, one from above the reclining figure and one that can see the rest of the room. The influencers here do not refer to the social media influencers of today, but instead are factors around us that alter what we do. They might be your memories, past trauma, spirits or unresolved problems.

快乐小径 Happy Trail
布面油画 Oil on canvas
12 x 32 in

害羞 Shyness
布面油画、丙烯和线 Oil, acrylic and thread on canvas
30 x 40 in
星期三到星期日 13:00-17:00 (公共节假日休息)
Opening Hours/Address
Wednesday to Sunday 13:00-17:00
(Closed on public holidays)
No.12 Thumb Plaza, Zhujiajiao, Qingpu, Shanghai
UИTITLEDSPΛCE is an artist-run gallery, art residency based in Zhujiajiao, Shanghai. As the name ‘Untitled’ suggests, we strive to provide a creative space and exchange platform for contemporary artists without any restrictions and boundaries. UИTITLEDSPΛCE is dedicated to showcasing contemporary art exhibitions, artist in residence, and providing workshops for the public, etc. In addition, UИTITLEDSPΛCE encourages collaboration between international artists and local artists in the context of Chinese contemporary society; where multicultural expression sparks fresh perspectives and ideas.
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: ACENTRICSPACE