刘雨桐 Leah Liu Yutong





No. 124 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

July Resident Artist, 2024

Leah Liu Yutong


 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(中国 China

Instagram: @leahliu1111
In Leah Liu Yutong’s practice, she/they amalgamate mechanical elements and kinetics with traditional sculptural processes, like casting and woodworking, to explore the rhythm of time within spatial dimensions. Casting techniques allow her/them to imbue inertia into modular forms, as the process of liquid material fossilizing manifests the irreversibility of time, while hinges, screws, brackets, and other common hardware introduce flexibility and fleetingness within a space that can be shaped and reconfigured.
In Leah’s work, mutual witnessing activates space into a site. This site hosts the interplay of materials, memories, and temporalities that inform our internal presence. She/they sees natural and industrial materials as pure manifestations of their elemental roots, often finding her/themself lingering in front of them in a state of reverie. The interior is uncovered as the working hand penetrates the affective space of the material, coalescing intimately with the stickiness of water and earth. In this lingering, she/they uncovers the material’s classic elemental composition and its alignment with the eternal cosmic order. There is an ambivalence amassed between their different forms of proximity. In the fold of mutual affect, the terrestrial and celestial are bridged, echoing the orbit of stars and restoring the perception of the coherent texture of time in an accelerated society.
Recently, Leah has been exploring how overlooked infrastructural developments and street motifs in China’s urban landscape impose specific rules and laws upon objects, thereby governing spatial movements of the inhabitants. These structures, imagery, and objects create an illusion of stability and control for those in power, subsequently affecting bodily perceptions and orientation. Similar to these findings, her/their work aims to monumentalize how unseen forces such as gravity, friction, and centrifugal force introduce deviations from modular repetition. Through these deviations, Leah invites viewers to uncover the intricacies and order within each site.
 过往作品  Previous Works 
Four-sided Chamber
Epoxy, fiberglass, fumed silica, steel, hardware
53 x 37 x 21 inches (135 x 94 x 53 cm)
Fieldnotes from Preliminary Inspection
Steel, wood, plaster, plastic, silicon, brown wax, thread, steamer rack, bowl, pvc tube, hair, zip tie, magnetic ball, iron powder, lard, water, wiremesh
24 x 56 x 60 inches ( 60 x 142 x 152 cm)
Steel, wood, mirror acrylic, hardware
28 x 23 x 8’’ (71 x 58 x 20 cm)
A Halt from Falling
Maple, Cherry, Two Hinges
11.1 x 47 x 3.5 inches (28.2 x 119.4 x 8.9 cm)

Is this another case of brightness? I turned around and walked back to the darkness that concealed us
wood, latex, notebook papers, door chain lock, speakers, field monitors, LED lamp, rice, butter, tofu, paper tape, band-aids, hand poke needle, lego, rubber mat, thread, hair
48.5 x 24 x 46 inches (123 x 61 x 117 cm)
Grooves(an Aeroplane Chessboard)
Epoxy, fiberglass, fumed silica, steel, hardware
21 x 27 x 3 inches (53 x 69 x 8 cm)
The period T
Steel, wood, aluminum, hardware, motor, string
46 x 17 x 15 inches (117 x 43 x 38 cm)