驹子 Pony 马若骢 Ruocong Ma

Skills: 展览 Exhibition
UИTITLEDSPΛCE January Upcoming Exhibition
Resident Artists Ruocong Ma‘s Solo Exhibition


Opening: Jan 9th 16:00



 展览导语 Introduction 




“是否可借艺术品中的目光侵犯观众,攻击外界” 带着这样的存疑观赏整个展览 两者相逢诞生出必然性的连接和审判。


The impish foal, “Pony”, was a nickname given to Artist Ruocong Ma by relatives when she was young. The artist exaggerates Flesh and a Gaze in her work to personify the animal’s body. Using nebulous and bold strokes to depict the power relationship between attacking and being attacked. 

The animalistic “eye-to-eye” constructs a relationship between the artwork and the audience, vice versa. “Can the gaze of the figure in artwork provoke or taint the audience?” Viewing the entire exhibition with such doubts, they meet and give birth to the inevitable connection and trial. 


 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

Ins: @m.a.woiling



2020年获得JIA国际插画艺术竞赛铜奖,作品刊登于 Altiba9艺术原创杂志05号。部分具象绘画由西班牙的Altiba9画廊代理。近几年她在纽约和伦敦的The Koppel Project画廊,伦敦Standpoint gallery ,纽约La MaMa Gallery画廊,纽约切尔西Blackbird gallery黑鸟画廊等画廊参展。

Born in Guangdong and raised in Beijing, Ruocong Ma undertook a BFA degree in illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She continued her studies at the Royal College of Art on the master’s program in sculpture. Now she is based in Shanghai.

Under the general theme of sex and gender, Ruocong Ma chose her personal puberty experience as a pointcut, exploring the violence and melancholy of adolescence and the power flow in sexual fantasies. She is enthusiastic about using the voice of a budding girl to depict the silence truculence. Instead of focusing on blood, scars, and conflict, she conveys anger and a sinking feeling in the pure flesh of a human or an animal in a tender way. She slowly rapes the viewer with her work, bringing an inescapable pressure upon the audience.

Ruocong Ma’s Painting was published in Altiba9 art magazine original05 and won the JIA Illustration Award 2020 Bronze Award. The series of figurative paintings were presented by the Altiba9 gallery. Her works have been exhibited in London and NYC, including Blackbird Gallery, NYC; La MaMa Gallery, NYC; Standpoint Gallery, London; The Koppel Project, London.


 部分展览作品 Selected Works 

无题 Untitled

布面丙烯油画 Acrylic and Oil on canvas



请你永远不要变丑 Please don’t ever be ugly

布面丙烯油画 Acrylic and Oil on canvas



粗腿绿尾 Thick thigh Green tail

布面丙烯油画 Acrylic and Oil on canvas




处男 Cherry boy

布面丙烯油画 Acrylic and Oil on canvas




新婚快乐 Happy Wedding

布面丙烯油画 Acrylic and Oil on canvas
