Jinsoul Chae和Michael Feigl的音乐演出在下午5点
2024 September to November resident artist
November 23rd (Saturday) 16:00, 2024
Music performance by Jinsoul Chae and Michael Feigl at 17:00

前言 Introduction
《灵魂共鸣》是一场耐人寻味的展览,展出了奥地利画家Hannah Feigl的音乐家肖像系列,这些作品是她2024年在上海ACENTRICSPACE艺术家驻地期间创作的。在这个被转瞬即逝的数字图像淹没的时代,她的肖像画是永恒的作品,以刻意而细致的艺术手法捕捉音乐表达的瞬间。
这个系列向音乐家、他们的乐器和他们创作的音乐之间的深刻联系致敬。Hannah Feigl的作品将刻在她作品人物脸上的短暂而强烈的情感和奉献精神永垂不朽。每幅肖像都与音乐的本质产生共鸣 – 从音乐家到听众、从灵魂到灵魂的振动,产生了不可磨灭的影响。
“Resonant Souls” is an evocative exhibition featuring musician portraits by Austrian painter Hannah Feigl, created during her 2024 artist residency at ACENTRICSPACE in Shanghai. In an era overwhelmed by fleeting digital images, her portrait paintings stand as timeless compositions, capturing moments of musical expression with deliberate and meticulous artistry.
This collection pays homage to the profound connection between musicians, their instruments, and the music they create. Hannah Feigl’s work immortalizes the transient yet powerful emotions and dedication etched into the faces of her subjects. Each portrait resonates with the essence of music – the vibrations that travel from the musician to the listener, soul to soul, creating an indelible impact.
“Resonant Souls” celebrates the unwavering passion and focused intensity of musicians, showcasing their unique gifts that resonate deeply and inspire us all. These portraits, capture the vibrant energy of Shanghai’s diverse music scene, from the intimate ambience of jazz clubs to the dynamic atmosphere of open-air events and private sessions.
Liu Mei Qian
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 100cm

David Krakauer
Acrylic on canvas
120 x 100cm
关于艺术家 About the Artist

Hannah Feigl出生于奥地利,1984-1987年:Höhere Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt,维也纳 1987-1995:维也纳应用艺术大学(Maria Lassnig 教授),1995年获得文学硕士学位(Christian Ludwig Attersee 教授)。自1995年以来,成人艺术课程包括素描、绘画、肖像。维也纳奥地利成人艺术教育中心、Goldegg 艺术学院、因斯布鲁克艺术学院。她在维也纳生活和工作。1995-2024在奥地利、德国、西班牙、墨西哥、香港、土耳其、塞内加尔、意大利、立陶宛、印度等地举办过多次展览和个人展。在沃尔克斯多夫城堡组织并参与了 31 位国际艺术家的群展《无国界艺术家》(下奥地利州)、伊斯坦布尔奥地利文化论坛、伊斯坦布尔“Karşı Sanat Galerisi”、安卡拉“Galeri Kara”以及组织和参与 17 位国际艺术家的联展《禁果》,Soho Studios,Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien。
Hannah Feigl Born in Austria, 1984-1987: Höhere Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt, Vienna 1987-1995: University of Applied Arts (Prof. Maria Lassnig), Vienna, M.A. in 1995 (Prof. Christian Ludwig Attersee). Since 1995 adult art classes for drawing, painting, and portrait (..) in the Austrian Adult Education Centre for Arts in Vienna, Academie for Art Goldegg, and the art didacta Innsbruck. She lives and works in Vienna. 1995-2024 Several exhibitions and solo exhibitions in Austria, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Hongkong, Türkiye, Senegal, Italy, Lithuania, India (…) Organization and participation of the group show “Artists without Borders” with 31 international artists in castle Wolkersdorf (Lower Austria), Austrian cultural forum Istanbul, “Karşı Sanat Galerisi” Istanbul “Galeri Kara” Ankara and organization and participation of the group show with 17 international artists „forbidden fruit“, Soho Studios, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien.