始于光线 Started with Light 华雨桐 Alice Yutong Hua
展览导语 Introduction
The decision was made with innocence; obviously the plan went to a failure. However, I found the long-term process of destruction and reconstruction of an incorporeal idea was rather fascinating. The imaginations do not realize in a controllable manner. I would like to call the process a game. It started with light, ended with game.”
The exhibition consists of the artist’s recent exploration of “Light Series” painting. Through the flow and solidification of various materials and colors, the artist tries to capture a moment of ambivalence, as much as the threshold before a dramatic change repeatedly through the coexistence and development of light and dark. From Horror Game? to Peekaboo, from Something Precious to Laying on the grass, the piece arrangement also attempts to form an alternative rythm between light and dark by setting up specific abstract scenary.
展出部分作品介绍 Selected Works From Exhibition

躺在草地上,光系列 No. 5 Laying on the Grass – Light Series No.5
板上综合材料 Mixed media on panel

无题,光系列 No. 2 Untitled – Light Series No. 2
板上综合材料 Mixed media on panel

捉迷藏,光系列 No. 4 Peekaboo – Light Series No.4
板上综合材料 Mixed media on panel
行间书线 No. 1 Interlineation No. 1
板上综合材料,丙烯,铅笔 Acrylic, pencil, mixed media on panel

我有一个秘密 I Have a Secret
Mixed media on panel

恐怖游戏?Horror Game?
板上综合材料 Mixed media on panel
关于艺术家 About the Artist
热爱阅读与写作,深受中外虚构文学和古诗词中观察、体验、表达以及审美趣味的影响。大三(Junior Year)时从化学专业转修纯艺术。此后创作作品主要以抽象形式,运用多种材料探索自然与人造,随机与具象,生长与衰退的关系。
Alice Yutong Hua was born in 1995, Shanghai. Now lives and works in China, the US, and Canada. Her practice focuses on paintings with sculptural elements. She graduated from St. Michael’s University School in Victoria, BC, Canada. She then studied visual arts, music, chemistry, sculpture, theatre, and photography at Colby College and School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
She has a great passion for reading and writing. She is deeply influenced by observation, experience, expression, and aesthetic preferences from the fictional literature and ancient Chinese poetry. She transferred from a science to a fine art major in her junior year of college. Then she began her exploration of nature and artificiality, randomness and embodiment, organization, and entropy.