2025年2月1日(周六)下午4点2025 Januray resident artistBarbara Rossi Residency works open day The Grey CatalogueFeburay 1st (Saturday) 16:00, 2025
*The exhibition The Grey Catalogue is part of Barbara Rossi’s research project The Grey Catalogue supported by Strategia Fotografia 2024, promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
前言 Introduction
城市是一个永无止境的项目。永远在编辑。永远在修改。在过去的几十年里,上海经历了爆炸式的城市化进程。自从这座城市被允许向外国投资开放以来,特别是自从浦东地区被设立为经济特区以来,周边社区的价值迅速上升。附近的黄浦区是上海的历史核心,包括老城墙,占据了宝贵的房地产地块,政府开始了谈判和搬迁居民的过程,以拆除建筑,为新建筑让路。20世纪90年代,大规模的重建开始抹去旧城区的部分街区。上海老城区的独特之处在于不同时代的建筑形式的重叠和相互补充。特别是里弄和石库门房屋,这是上海独有的历史建筑风格,融合了中国传统建筑和西方建筑。这种乡土建筑最早出现在1860年代,恰逢法国和英国租界时期。里弄和石库门自出现以来就构成了上海内城工人阶级的主要生活空间。这里的生活充满活力、色彩缤纷、拥挤而又亲密。然而,以重建和进步的名义,社区的部分区域被清空并涂上灰色清漆,而社区居民则被驱逐并搬迁到郊区。在时间和空间上停滞不前的社区可能会在实际拆迁或翻修开始之前持续数年处于过渡状态。在这些混合的灰色地带中,无论是空间上还是时间上,都不再可能应用二进制逻辑。如果在神秘的另一个世界里变得可见,那么《灰色目录》的目标是从小规模开始集体重新想象我们城市的现在和未来,并质疑我们如何处理地方的记忆、文化遗产的濒危和共同身份的丧失。The city is a never-ending project. Always editing. Always revising.In the last decades, Shanghai has been going through an explosive process of urbanization. Ever since the city has been allowed to open up to foreign investment but particularly since the Pudong area was established as a Special Economic Zone the value of the surrounding neighborhoods has rapidly increased. The nearby Huangpu District, the historical core of Shanghai which includes the old walled city, occupies valuable ground for real estate and the government started a process of negotiating and moving residents to demolish the structures to make way for new buildings. In the 1990s large-scale redevelopments began to erase sections of neighborhood in the old city.Shanghai Old Town’s unique feature is the overlapping and mutual complementarity of architectural forms from different epochs. In particular lilong and shikumen houses, an historical style of housing unique to Shanghai that blends traditional Chinese architecture and Western architecture. This vernacular architecture first appeared in the 1860s coinciding with the French and British concession period. Since their appearance lilong and shikumen have constituted the primary living space for the working class in the inner city of Shanghai. The life here is vibrant and colorful, crowded and intimate.However, in the name of redevelopment and progress sections of neighborhoods are emptied and painted with gray varnish, while its community is evicted and relocated in the suburbs. Suspended in time and space the neighborhood may remain in transition for several years before the actual demolition or renovation starts.In these hybrid, grey zones is no longer possible to apply binary logic, either spatially or temporally.If in the uncanny another world becomes visible, the goal of The Grey Catalogue is to reimagine collectively the present and the future of our cities starting from the small scale, and to question how we deal with the memory of the places, the endangerment of the cultural heritage and the loss of a shared identity. 部分作品 Selected Works
关于艺术家 About the Artist
“我的摄影作品始于对建筑的解读,即人、空间和时间之间关系的主要标志。我对那些没有任何美学目的的建筑感兴趣,例如建筑工地、废墟或未完成的作品、介于两者之间的土地、悬浮在空间和时间中,这种关系在其中变得尤为明显。通过摄影,我重新诠释了风景,无论是自然的还是城市的,寻找共同历史性的痕迹,试图了解我所生活的环境,并引发关于空间在当代性中的作用的问题。”Barbara Rossi 是一位来自意大利的建筑摄影师。她的作品曾在第18届威尼斯建筑双年展上展出,由徕卡杂志和洪堡书籍出版。她与国际知名建筑公司合作,除了委托作品外,她还开展了关于景观改造和城市化的个人研究。她现在致力于在上海开展她的下一个项目,她将通过该项目质疑这座大城市如何处理地方记忆及其文化遗产的濒危问题。“My photographic work starts from the interpretation of architecture as the primary sign of the relationship between man, space, and time. I am interested in those architectures conceived without any aesthetic purpose, such as construction sites, ruins or unfinished works, lands in between, suspended in space and time, in which this relationship becomes particularly visible. Through photography I reinterpret the landscape, whether natural or urban, looking for the traces of a shared historicity, in an attempt to understand the environment in which I live and to trigger questions about the role of space in contemporaneity.”Barbara Rossi is an architecture photographer from Italy. Her work has been featured at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice, and published by Leica magazine and Humboldt Books. She works internationally with renowned architectural firms and besides the commissioned works she has developed her personal research about landscape transformations and urbanization. She’s now committed to her next project in Shanghai with which she questions how the mega city deals with the memory of the places and the endangerment of its cultural heritage.