ACENTRICSPACE Upcoming Exhibition
Resident Artists Group Exhibition
Opening: April 27th (Saturday) 16:00, 2024

前言 Introduction
两条对应的线交汇于一处,两位陌生人结识为朋友。她们所携的资源、情绪和记忆、与她们遵循的道路以及努力实现的目标 – 这一系列看似差异的价值与观念都被搁置一边,只为致贺空谷足音的奥妙。随着创作过程的纵横交错,层层实验不断积累,从其中诞生了模糊(未知)却熟悉的事物。在两线交汇之处,陈旧之物也变得崭新。
Two parallels intersect at a point and strangers become friends. Their resources, their moods and memories, the paths they followed, and the goals they worked towards – an array of seemingly different values that are set aside to celebrate the magic of probability. Creative processes get tangled and layers of experimentation build up, giving birth to something unknown and yet familiar, and the old becomes the new in a place where two lines meet.

Marija Tiurina 是一位跨学科艺术家,拥有绘画、插图和数字艺术背景。在伦敦学习多媒体设计后,她现在负责一系列项目,包括广告、社论、儿童读物和其它商业领域的插图。她的个人作品主要集中在混合媒体领域,结合超现实水彩画、角色设计、动画、摄影、声音制作等实践。
Marija Tiurina is a multidisciplinary artist with backgrounds in painting, illustration, and digital art. Having studied Multimedia Design in London she now juggles a range of projects including illustration for advertising, editorials, children’s books, and other commercial fields. Her personal work mainly resides in the field of mixed media, combining surreal watercolor, character design, animation, photography, sound production, and other practices.
明日指南针 The Compass of Tomorrow

缪可言(Ciel Miao)出生在成都,现居美国帕萨迪纳,最近毕业于圣路易斯华盛顿大学的工作室艺术专业。对她来说,「绘画」是一种能在混乱与有序中调节自如的过程。依靠对事物的直觉和即兴发挥,世界在她的笔下展开, “创造笔划”本身就是她作品生命力与能量的来源——不管是炭、蜡笔、水彩、油画,以及动画,任何媒介都能成为她探索、追寻“过程高于结果”这一动态的历程。
Keyan (Ciel) Miao is a recent studio fine arts graduate from Washington University in St. Louis who was born in China and currently resides in Pasadena. She views drawing (and by extension painting) as a continuous process linked to everyday life that has the power to mediate between composition and chaos. Keyan draws the world out, with improvisation as the key, as she works across a wide variety of media, ranging from charcoal and pastels to watercolor, oil, and animation. Her artistic journey claims a testament to the dynamism of process over product, embracing the spontaneity and vitality of mark-making.
无名鸟图 Untitled Bird Painting