Robin van Hekezen


2024年5 6月驻地艺术家

Robin van Hekezen


No. 117 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

May  June Resident Artist, 2024

Robin van Hekezen


 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(荷兰 The Netherlands)


Through intuitive geometric shapes I find abstract worlds in a quest to capture what is by definition intangible. The fascination for abstraction leads me to places that deliberately seem strange and surreal. I question how they could exist and in what kind of form. The need to look outside of the known three dimensions for a solution is how I try to shed light on the inaccessibility of that possible existence and make this possible existence accessible to myself and to the beholder. My intention is to appeal to an intuition beyond our sense of reality and make clear how limited our understanding of reality actually is.
The gap between what we can know and what is, between the concrete and the abstract, is like an unsurmountable canyon. It is exactly here that I am building a bridge. One for curiosity to cross and made of worlds of ‘what ifs’. The spaces that I create are therefore not about surrealism, or about something non-real. Instead, the worlds I’m looking for are about ‘what could be real’.
 过往作品  Previous Works 

反平衡 Counter to Balance

动画 Animation


潮汐锁 Tidal Lock
动画 Animation
范式 Paradigms
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
80 x 160 cm
平等的状态 The State of Equal
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
120 x 180 cm
和平与紧张有一个共同点 Peace and Tension Share a Face
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
160 x 200 cm