李维 Wei Li




No. 140 ACENTRICSPACE Resident Artist

2025 January, February, March Resident Artist

Wei Li

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(加拿大 Canada



In Wei Li’s recent series of paintings, she explores the connection between weaving and painting, using weaving as a metaphor for feminine labor. In her process, she creates brushstrokes that mimic threads, weaving together abstract elements. By interlacing body forms and brushwork, she builds intricate, layered compositions that delve into women’s physical and psychological experiences. The threads in her work introduce a sense of tension and disorientation, evoking the labor-intensive act of weaving—historically associated with women’s work—and its meticulous process of interlacing to form patterns. This mirrors the layers of experience, resilience, and creativity present in feminine labor.
In her paintings, the interwoven lines and textures reflect the complex psychological space of women, with vivid colors and intricate structures adding emotional depth. The abstract body forms represent how a woman experiences herself, often appearing constrained or entangled, symbolizing the psychological and societal pressures tied to femininity and the body. The recurring theme of tension between constraint and freedom suggests the burden of societal expectations.
Through her energetic brushwork and complex compositions, Wei reflects on the emotional and psychological aspects of femininity, as well as the weight of representation placed on women’s bodies in contemporary society.
 过往作品  Previous Works 
暗流环绕 Entwined Currents
30 x 40 英尺 inch
丙烯和油画布面 Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
打结 Knotted Tie 
15 x 24 英尺 Inch
丙烯和油画布面  Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
梦中的红色 Red in dream
30 x 40 英尺 Inch
丙烯和油画布面 Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
缠结的回声 Tangle Echoes
30 x 40 英尺 Inch
丙烯和油画布面 Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
连结的脉络 Veins of connection
30 x 40 英尺 Inch
丙烯和油画布面 Acrylic and Oil on Canvas