赵嘉旌 Zhao Jiajing





One of the January Resident Artists

Zhao Jiajing

-关于艺术家 About the Artist-




他同时也是后黑金属计划Reverie Noire的主导,首张全场专辑于2019年发行。个人音乐计划夢羅的单曲被收录于摩登天空《UTC+8 环流声场》合集。

Zhao Jiajing is a musician, sound designer, and interdisciplinary artist from Beijing, China. After completing a BA in Music and Digital Cultures in 2019, at the University of Sydney, Australia, he is currently pursuing his studies at Royal College of Art in Information Experience Design, Sound Design Pathway. 

A background in music and sound production allows Zhao Jiajing to keep exploring the immense possibilities of sound. His current work focuses on the spatial sound domain, with practices across composition, performance, sonic AR design, video, and installation. His artistic practices explore the phenomenology of sound, based on which he developed his Master’s dissertation about sonic world-building. His works often feature a philosophical discussion about social issues and rethinking of reality. Key areas of interests include: spirituality, the post-anthropocene world, surveillance, comsumerist/capitalist society, and oriental philosophy. 

He also runs a solo Post-Black Metal project, Reverie Noire, and has released a full-length album Winter Requiem in July 2019.

-过往作品  Previous Works-

Is there still A reality?




Is there still A reality是一个电声音乐作品。作品用一种模拟玻色·爱因斯坦凝聚效应的原子发声器为素材,进行电声音乐技巧处理后呈现。作品以声音为媒介探讨原子物理中的多重现实理论与大众普遍认同的单一现实理论的冲突。作品遵循声音的现象学理论创造出一个流动、变化中的世界,并且利用各种心理声学现象强化多感官体验。

Is there still A reality? is an electroacoustic sound piece. The work utilized a Bose-Einstein condensate simulator as the sole instrument and processed it with digital techniques. The piece addressed the conflict between multi-reality theory and the singular reality we are living in based on ontological materialism. Based on research on the phenomenology of sound, the piece builds a sonic world of plural possible realities and utilized multiple psychoacoustic methods to intensify the cross-sensory experience. 

失眠之环/The Circle of Sleeplessness

2020 声音/Sound


双屏影像/Dual Screen Projection


《失眠之环》是一个双屏幕音视频作品,展现了现代失眠者的心理活动。作品以夜晚各种噪音为起点,慢慢转化为强烈而混沌的噪音,旨在体现失眠者内心焦虑的负反馈循环。正如Jonathan Crary所说的:“失眠是一种永不间断的生产、消费、丢弃,和榨取资源的状态。”而他又提到,睡眠的时间代表了人类最基本的需求,是绝不该被资本主义所占据的。但当我们真的想要睡觉时,无穷无尽的噪音就会钻入我们的耳朵,提醒我们无时无刻不在被动消费,也永远无法逃脱资本机器的侵蚀。这个作品强调人类自然需求和永不停歇的资本、消费之间的冲突。

The Circle of Sleepnessless is a piece of electroacoustic music and visual artwork attempting to give form to the subjective experience of sleeplessness. The artwork features stereo sound and dual-screen projection. By employing the sonic narrating devices, it presents an adventure through the circle of sleeplessness, signifying the negative feedback network of insomnia. It reproduces a nighttime urban soundscape, which communicates real-life experience. Then, it utilises digital sound processing techniques to transfer the soundscape into chaotic, immersive noise, which implies the intense emotion of sleepless individuals. By doing this, the artwork evokes the anxiety of sleeplessness, which poses a common problem for individuals living in the late capitalist and consumerist world. American art critic and essayist Jonathan Crary mentioned in his book 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep “Sleeplessness is the state in which producing, consuming, and discarding occur(s) without pause, hastening the exhaustion of life and the depletion of resources.” Also, he argued that sleep poses the idea of a human need and interval of time that cannot be colonised by the massive engine of profitability. Yet, while we are trying to sleep, we are very much disturbed by the noise. When we hear the noisy refrigerator, the next-door neighbour watching porn, and the party music from upper floors, we are conscious of, and thus kept awake by of the constant, endless, passive consumptions. Therefore, The Circle of Sleeplessness highlights the conflict between human nature and non-stop capitalist value machines.